I create a world in which every child is protected from conflict, cruelty, exploitation, neglect and abuse, and is given love, safe, peace and education.


To achieve the final goal, I first address;
=== WORLDWIDE: Education to All Children
=== in JAPAN: Eradication of Child Abuse

Jan 16, 2011

Take action! --- knowing Beer or Books and Room to Read

I encountered a person who organize "Beer for Books" which raises money for childhood literacy in developing countries.
I told him that I've wanted to help all children in the wold receive education, and got his business card.

Beer for Books raises money for "Room to Read." You may know Room to Read because it's famous. I read the book "Leave Microsoft to challenge the world" written by the Room to Read's founder John Wood.

I'm really impressed both by John Wood and the organizer of Beer for Books, especially their energy. In contrast, I've just thought that I don't know where to begin.
Take action like them!