I create a world in which every child is protected from conflict, cruelty, exploitation, neglect and abuse, and is given love, safe, peace and education.


To achieve the final goal, I first address;
=== WORLDWIDE: Education to All Children
=== in JAPAN: Eradication of Child Abuse

Aug 15, 2006

Elizabeth Sanders Home

Today is the anniversary of the end of WW2. Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi visited Yasukuni shrine and it is becoming a big hot topic now. Of course China and Korea are making a big deal of it. By the way, I agree with his visiting Yasukuni shrine, better to say I don't think he need to avoid doing.

I watched a TV drama based on the true story about the founder of Elizabeth Sanders Home, the late Mrs. Miki Sawada.

She founded Elizabeth Sanders Home for half-blooded orphan children after WW2, the Allied Occupation forces came to Japan. Japan was very very poor at that time so many women sold sex to American servicemen for survival. And many American servicemen raped Japanese women. So there were many half-blooded children. At that time, half-blood were discriminated terribly so many women despaired their half-blooded children's future. Many of them repudiated their children and those children died.

So Mrs. Sawada founded the orphan home for such children. She grew up in a very rich family but managing the home required much money so she relinquished her all property and rushed around trying to raise funds. Many Japanese looked at them coldly, and the Allied Occupation forces also do so calling those children "American's embarrassment ".

During watching the drama, I couldn't stop crying.

I always think I want to do activities to help poor children in the world. Mrs. Sawada had very strong mind. I need to be more like her

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